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Here are some links to web sites I visit or just some I like.

http://www.grohelectronics.com This is my online discount store. Anything I need to get rid of I put here. Sometimes the site maybe offline.

http://www.dreamhost.com This is my web host. They are the best! If you want a lot of stuff for a cheap price and great support go with DreamHost!

http://www.slashdot.org News for nerds

http://www.reddit.com Another better news for nerds

http://www.mozilla.org The best web browser! I dumped Internet Explorer and started using mozilla full time. It has a lot of features like popup ad blocking and tabbed browsing.

http://www.wheelersburgraceway.com Local go-kart race track.

http://www.netstumbler.com A really cool wireless access point finder for wardriving :)

http://www.shawneecomputer.com The best and the oldest local ( New Boston Ohio) computer store.

http://www.priuschat.com The best community site dedicated to the Toyota Prius.

http://www.cleanmpg.com Great site to learn how to get the best MPG out of your car and to track your fuel mileage. Great site for any car owner.

http://www.greenhybrid.com Great site for hybrid information and keep track of your fuel mileage.

http://www.priusonline.com Another great Prius site.

http://sigmaautomotive.com Great place to buy Prius stuff

http://www.hybridinterfaces.ca The best device to buy for the Prius that lets you see what the car is doing.

https://joelifill.meganibble.com This is about Joel N Ifill that scammed $81,985 from kickstarter backers.

Copyright © Jay Groh